AnzAuthors Blog
When a book is born No matter how many books an author has published, release day is still cause for celebration, a heave and sigh day. It's the day you can put away the notes at last, because that one's done and dusted. The relief, however, is accompanied by a new feeling. It is a kind of grieving for work that was so much part of the daily routine, the daily thinking, the daily checking. When that's gone, the empty space needs filling with something else. And what better than a new project? What - on the same day? Yes, even before, perhaps. A new writing project, with all its unknown quantities, its experiments, its still-unformed characters, its uneven storyline and unplanned-ness will soon supplant the other in the writer's head. The well-loved familiar protagonist of the released book will have to give way to someone new, someone it will be a pleasure to lead through a brand new story. How do you go about filling the void that's left when a new book is released? How do you deal with the empty-file syndrome? It would be fascinating to hear tips, tales and testimony. Written by Rosanne Dingli HTML Comment Box is loading comments...